Sunday, November 10, 2013


Welcome to my mommy blog, "From Chaos to MomSense"!!  I'm been wanting to start a blog for awhile, but wanted to find a good topic to blog about. A couple of weeks ago it came to me to write about my journey to discover new ways to make my life as a mom for organized and less stressful.  I'm a mom to three wonderful boys who just happen to also be quite a handful. My oldest boy is 4 years old and my youngest is 4 months.  After having my third child I just found myself having less and less time in the day to get things done and realizing how much more I need to get things in check (as much as possible) to help me get through each day. This is where "MomSense" come in. MomSense is the answer to those mommy problems of time management, stretching yourself to thin, and finding balance.  I created a "MomSense" scale based on 4 different criteria:

(1) Time Saving:  If there's a more efficient way of doing something this clearing makes "MomSense", who wants to waste time when there's so much to do?

(2) Money Saving:  A little more money in your pocket will always put a smile on a mom's face.

(3) Stress Reducing: Stress is a part of life, but we can certainly find ways to keep it down to a minimum, and use that energy for conquering new challenges.

(4) Fun Filling:  As much work as there is to do as a mom, you still have to have fun, not just with your little ones, but also doing something fun for yourself.  

I rate each criteria on a scale from 1 to 5.  1 being the lowest rating and 5 being the highest rating.

So I invite you to read along and join me in my journey.  I trust all us moms need a little more "MomSense" in our lives. :)

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