Sunday, January 12, 2014

Infant Survival Kit

Over the Christmas holidays, I planned to take some time off of work to relax a bit, and catch up on a few things I've been placing on the back burner for awhile.  But as with life, the unexpected happened and I found myself nursing my poor 5 month old son who was fight a nasty stomach virus.  Although it derailed my plans I'm glad I was able to be home with him for the two weeks I was off since the daycare center won't allow him to be there while he was ill.  

The worse of it occurred in the middle of the night as my son was unable to keep anything down.  It was a little scary for me as a mom.  I'm always thinking the worse, but fortunately I had some pedialyte in the cabinet to give to him since formula and breast milk were out.  This got me thinking though, how fortunate it was that we happened to have a bottle left over from the last patient of ours.  Since it was the middle of the night, it saved us having to drive around finding a 24 hr drug store.  So it makes sense for moms to have a little emergency kit with some essentials to help your little one should they get sick in the middle of the night. Here's a list of items I think should be included.
  1. Pedialyte - for when your child is vomiting or has diarrhea
  2. Teething gel or tablets - for when your child is in teething and in a lot of pain
  3. Infant pain reliever - for when your child has a fever
  4. Saline Spray & Nasal Bulb - To help keep your baby's nose clean so he can have a better night sleep.
  5. Ice Pack - This is great for multiple uses such as reducing your child's fever or minimizing pain & swelling for those bumps and bruises.
  6. Gripe water -  a definite must have with newborns.  Helps with colic and relieving gas.
  7. Band-aids - for those unexpected boo boos.
  8. Pediatrician's contact info - It's good to have your child's doctors phone number close by in case of emergency.  Time is better spent caring for your little one rather than searching in your purse.
A pic of my infant survival kit.

Here are my MomSense scores:

Time Saving:  4
Money Saving: 0
Stress Reducing: 4
Fun Filling: 0

It always helps to be prepared and especially when it comes to your kids.  Just one less thing to worry about.  Keep it in the medicine cabinet or in your child's room for easy access.  Now that makes MomSense!!

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